Welcome To B.T.B.Y.

Who Am I ?

Jordyn Lenee is a 13 year old actress, model, aspiring fashion designer & fashion creator. She has her own T-shirt line called, “Born To Be Yourself™️.”  She first launched her line of T-shirts on her eighth birthday after doing research on YouTube on “How to start a T-shirt business”. Since then,  she’s moved on to sewing other items on her inherited sewing machine from her Great-Grandmother. Jordyn came up with “Born To Be Yourself” due to the fact of all the bullying in the world and derogatory comments about her living in “Detroit”. Jordyn decided to take "Born To Be Yourself" to the next level and start a boutique and launch on her 13th birthday.  Jordyn just wants everyone to know you are truly  “Born To Be Yourself” no matter how others see you! 

Jordyn Lenee 

Instagram @borntobeyourself__

